Hey Motorola Milestone users, here is a exciting news of the custom rom for you, today, Nadlabak, the author of CM7 for Milestone, the man who should have our best regard, he succeed in building the first Ice Cream Sandwich for Milestone and make it run well on the phone, according to the IRC log of milestone-mod channel, we know that the base functions is working, like graphics, touch screen(with issues), signal system, light sensor, automatic backlights, audio, also phone call test is fine.
It is happy to know that the gkisystem works, because that is the hardest part when porting Android 2.3 Gingerbread to Milestone. in this time, the hardest part is the multimedia library like camera and video replay, as Motorola did not release the source of those library files. Good news is the graphic hardware acceleration works, Nadlabak said that he will upload the alpha build soon, can’t wait to try it on my stone. 🙂
FYI, Motorola Droid got CM9 alpha build about one week ago.