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Category Archives: Android Share
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final, Better DSI-fix, LED color, Profile

The CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final version is going to be upload by Nadlabak this evening, he finally got the DSI-fix module working better after serval DSI-fix test versions, many thanks to him, again, he is the man who let many people to see there is still a hope with the Milestone A853.
the base Android system version of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final is Android 2.3.5.
DSI-fix module test version V2.41, updated on Aug 14

Nadlabak just put a new DSI-fix module down link on IRC mod-milestone channel last night, it is a test version, if someone want to have a try, here is the download link:
Update 2.41 version:
DSI-fix 2.41 changelog:
return back to ‘error recovery scheduling’ variant and succeed to solve the dss power domain not entering the target state when suspending after error recovery happened — by Nadlabak
I think it should be the last verson of the DSI-fix module, all problem solved, no suspend issue, and no DSI error, no any side effect.
Download dsifix_2.41.
Update XDA forum feedback thread:
You can Become a Master, HTC Mobile Phone Native Command code Collection

I found this HTC andorid phone Command code on internet and I would like to share it, maybe some command doesn’t work for old HTC phones, It should work on the phones which has a pre-installed Android 2.1 system.
YouTube Android Update: Edit Previously Uploaded Movies and Create Playlists

YouTube Android users, it is time to visite the Android Market and update your lovely YouTube. With the new verson you are going to install, you can now edit titles, descriptions and privacy of your previously uploaded videos. You can also create and edit playlists as well as enjoy a new UI for recently recorded videos that need publishing.
Motorola ATRIX 4G MB860 will be Getting CyanogenMod 7

We all know about that the Motorola ATRIX 4G (AT&T version) bootloader have been unlocked by Motorola on June, after two months, the first third party rom for ATRIX 4G was released, it is a pre-beta rom based on CyanogenMod 7. Some features will work and some won’t, it is a begging, if you can’t wait for the official rom release and want to give it a try, here is the Nandroid backup download page at ModMyMobile.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 update on Auguest 6, some fixes, improve Crystal Talk

Just found out CM 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 was updated some hours ago, Nadlabak have done some fixes and merge CM official upstream, I was wondering why there is a comments “enable Crystal Talk for Milestone”, is it not be actived before?
here is the Download link:
Update: the file have been updated at 17:41:56 (UTC +8:00), if you have downloaded before that, you should download it again. quick fix of color picker.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 is Out, Gingerbread 2.3.5, Crystal Talk

There is almost a month since the last CM 7 RC 12 for Milestone released, in the New CM 7 RC13, Android system version is upgrade to 2.3.5, forget about those new features for new Android phones, e.g. 4G network, NFC, we know they have no use for Milestone 1, we should focus on the memory managing improvement, that is the most important point with Milestone A853, the poor 256MB RAM. hopefully Milestone could get more free memory with CyanogenMod 7 RC13.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 will come with Crystal Talk, DSI fix, Gingerbread 2.3.5

What a great news ! there will be three important improvement in the next CyanogenMod 7 RC13 for Milestone A853, The Crystal Talk (built-in functions) , the Gingerbread Android 2.3.5 memory fixes, the DSI fix v2.x . The update package is going to release later today or tomorrow, I am looking forward to this RC 13 update. Nadlabak said there will be more than one RC13 update roms, because the DSI-fix needs some more debug.
Crystal Talk will be built-in feature of CM7 for Milestone A853 and Defy MB525

Message from IRC channel, the Motorola Crystal Talk will be a built-in feature in CM7 for Milestone A853 (RC13) and Defy MB525, all code work is done by Quarx2k, many thanks to him, now the code is under final improving, people who does not want this Crystal Talk function could disable it in the settings.