We can find out the number of registreted domains by visiting DomainTools, wow, the result is intresting, there are 326,084,078 deleted .com domains, only 95,743,705 .com domains are active, which is 30% of the deleted ones. “.Net” is not so popular compare to the .com domains. I used to registreing domains on Godaddy, with powerful DNS manager panel and low price.
Active | Deleted | New | Expired | Transfered | TLD |
95,743,705 | 326,084,078 | 55,709 | 63,205 | 64,972 | .Com |
13,996,610 | 35,811,768 | 7,723 | 9,806 | 11,943 | .Net |
9,250,062 | 22,305,133 | 4,918 | 5,584 | 7,010 | .Org |
7,862,059 | 12,258,298 | 11,405 | 14,065 | 10,872 | .Info |
2,104,036 | 2,653,925 | 1,152 | 1,347 | 871 | .Biz |
1,720,358 | 2,219,775 | 1,268 | 1,972 | 819 | .Us |
130,809,293 | 401,996,025 | 82,175 | 95,979 | 96,487 | Total |
If a domain is deleted from the list of active domains we move it over to the deleted total however if that domain is re-registered again we place it back in the active column.In addition to the total history of the Internet we also display the amount of new domains each day with the amount of domains that get deleted each day. Transfered stats referrer to domains moving from one name server to another. More detailed information can be found at DailyChanges.com, including nameserver activity.