Updated Camera NX V5.4 Base on New Google Camera 4.2.035, Bug Fixes and Performance Improvement (APK Download)

New Google Camera version 4.2.035 released yesterday, no new features added, just bug fixes and performance improvement. After I apply the Camera NX Mod base on New Google Camera, I found the Burst Mode performance is improved on Nexus 5X, especially the shorter response time, though it still crashes sometimes if you start to burst right after taking a photo with ZSL HDR+, normal usage is still solid, I try burst more than 15 photos and it still can handle it. This is the noticeable improvement. Let’s see what are the changes under the hood.

Video recording fixes, Add a “Video reached the duration limit.” alert when you try to record video longer than duration limit, it is 30 minutes.

Panorama mode has some improvements with the light cycle, you can test it if you like take panorama photos.

New function: forceStopBurst(), and other burst related code added, though I did not use this feature a lot, I think burst mode still need more tweak.

Forcing Nexus 6 to use non-deferred config, it is the only device-specific change, seems like a nerf. Google hate Nexus 6 might be true, you can tell from the lack of Android 7.1.1 release at first place.

Last one, some changes of the Auto Flash controlling in Hdr+ mode.

Camera NX Google Camera MOD

I still provide two version, one enabled ZSL and one has NO ZSL feature, the other features is the same. Want to know what is ZSL? Check the previous post: Details about Camera NX with ZSL HDR+. You might notice I have disabled the HDR+ Auto automatic selection in this update, this is not a bug, it is another exclusive “feature” for Pixel phones. Looks like Google did not active the changing scenes feature in this version, does Pixel has this feature? correct me if I’m wrong.

Update 12/10, Base on new Google Camera, Add ARM No ZSL version.

APK Download Link:
CameraNX-V5.4.1-ZSL | mirror - Require Android 7.1.1.
CameraNX-V5.4.1-NOZSL | mirror - Recommend for Android 7.0, If you prefer more stable burst fun and did not care about ZSL, use this one.

ARM version:
CameraNX-V5.4.1-ARM-NOZSL | mirror - For Nexus 6, Not tested, don’t know what features works.

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