How to make CyanogenMod 9 for X8/W8 Run Faster

How to make CyanogenMod 9 for X8/W8 Run Faster, 2.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

I mean the MiniCM9 for X8 when I say CyanogenMod 9 for X8. the latest version of MiniCM9 rom for X8 is 3.0.2, released on 5/26, it is much faster than the first version, but it can be more faster if you do the same settings as I do.

1.Use another launcher application, e.g. Apex launcher.
Trebuchet launcher is the default launcher, it is slow and use almost 14MB RAM, it is terrible as the X8 only have 256MB RAM, I used to wait for 3 seconds if I wanted to go back to home screen.
this is the Apex launcher drawer screenshot, its default theme is the same as Trebuchet launcher, but there are a lot of elements you can customize, e.g. homescreen, dock, drawer label. The most important thing is that Apex launcher is much faster than Trebuchet, it is very smooth on X8.
ICS style Apex launcher

2.Remove native applications which you don’t need.
Android ICS need more RAM to run, we can not get more for our phone, so we need to free up some RAM which is taken by some background running applications. For those apps which is installed by yourself, you should only install the necessary things, don’t feed your phone with to many apps. For the native apps which you don’t need, you can remove it from folder “system/apps” by root explorer. Here is a list of apps which I have removed.
-DSP manager
-Calendar, CalendarProvider
-Stk(SIM card toolkit)
-ThemeChooser, ThemeManager, MiniCM9.apk
-VisualizationWallpapers, LiveWallpapers, MagicSmokeWallpapers
I also delete the LatinIME.apk after I install the Google Pinyin IME, because I need to input Chinese characters, I don’t use the native input method.

3. Boost the hardware speed.
CM9 support processor overclock feature, speed up the maximum CPU frequency can make X8 response faster. I have overclocked the CPU to 748MHz (the new ICS custom kernel seems more stable, my phone can not overclock with other custom kernel, even if I set it to 629MHz, the graphic will offset by half screen then I have to reboot the phone.). The overclock menu is in the system settings -> performance -> processor.
X8 overclock custom kernel
It doesn’t need to restart the phone for applying the change, besides, with higher maximum CPU frequency, the phone will become more unstable, so you can begin with 652MHz, then test the phone for a while, make sure it won’t restart by itself or have any unusual troubles, then you can try a higher CPU frequency, until you find out the highest maximum value. I suggest don’t set it higher than 748MHz.

The next thing is get more RAM. In “memory management”, I enable the “Allow purging of assets”, and I set the zRam value to 10%, which default is 18%. The reason I use 10% zRam is I am think of the X8′s CPU performance, it can not handle to much RAM compression, if we set 18% zRam, it will take more time to zip memory. I think it is better to clear the RAM of background application than compress it.

That all I have done to make CyanogenMod 9 running faster on Xperia X8.

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How to make CyanogenMod 9 for X8/W8 Run Faster

Written by Charles | · posted in Android How to, Android Share, Sony x8 and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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