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[APK] Camera NX 7.4 is Here, Base on Google Camera 5.2, All Features & Bring back HDR+ for Nexus2015[APK] Enable Portrait mode on Nexus 5X/6P & OG Pixel phone with Google Camera mod (Updated 7.3.1)[Updated] Camera NX V7.2 for Nexus 5X/6P & Pixel Base on Google Camera 5.1 from Pixel 2, Motion Photo and MoreDownload Camera NX V6 mod for Nexus 2015 Phones, Base on Google Camera v4.4 (Updated New Version)Google Camera 4.4 Update with New Pixel Phone 2017 Support, New Hardware Zsl Hdr+ Feature, And More.Featured Post
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Category Archives: Android Share
Download the Ice Cream Sandwich Dev Build for Galaxy Nexus, Version ICL23D
Just get the big news from the site Android @ Modaco, they are sharing the system image files of the latest Ice Cream Sandwich development build for Galaxy Nexus aka the Nexus prime.
This build include three files, there are
Galaxy Nexus ICL23D boot image
Galaxy Nexus ICL23D recovery image
Galaxy Nexus ICL23D system image
[APK] How to Install Android Market 3.3.1, Apps Auto Update, Free Download
Android Market is going to update to the version 3.3.1 automatically on many phones, in the new Android Market 3.3.1, you can choose the way of updating applications, in previous version, you can only allow applications auto-update one by one, and now you can allow the installed apps to auto-update by default in the settings menu, further, You can choose the data connection for downloading apps as you like, if you want to save your data traffic of 2G or 3G network, select update over Wi-Fi only, Android Market will update applications and games automatically when the Wi-Fi connection is activated.
Ice Cream Sandwich for Samsung Galaxy S I9000
Galnet and Lttldvl, great developers of the MIUI rom for Samsung Galaxy S I9000, succeeded in getting the Ice Cream Sandwich running on Samsung Galaxy S I9000 after a weekend time work. They just proof that Samsung Galaxy S can install the Ice Cream Sandwich system, though it is a concept rom for SGS, most of things can not work correctly, even the touch screen, but we can see that once the source code of Ice Cream Sandwich released, they can build the true daily use rom of ICS for Samsung Galaxy S I9000 probably, as it is product of open source, many people could solve problems together.
[Video] Android Ice Cream Sandwich Running on Xperia X10
OK there are more and more “old” Android phones running Ice Cream Sandwich without official update, after Galaxy S II , Nexus S, Nexus One and Galaxy S, now here comes the Xperia X10 with Ice Cream Sandwich installed, some developers have succeeded on getting the ICS SDK running on Xperia X10, though a lot of functions does not work, include the touch screen, so we can’t see more test of the other features. they are working on fixing main things like touch screen, signal, etc.
btw, the system kernel is FXP project kernel, it won’t work on the stock 2.6.29 kernel. but, is it proof that Ice Cream Sandwich can run base on 2.6.x kernel, and it is more chance that other phones can run Ice Cream Sandwich. Let’s see the video stream:
[APK] Dolphin Browser HD 7.0.2 and Free Halloween Theme Download
Dolphin Browser HD version 7.0.2 was released on October 24, it update very often recently, I think it is because some users have found a URL forward issue in Dolphin Browser, cause by the webzine function, see more details here: [PRIVACY] WARNING: Dolphin’s collection of your browsing history, anyway, this behavior was disappeared in the latest version of Dolphin Browser HD.
Dolphin Browser HD can change themes, and here is a Halloween theme for people who wants to decorate their phone with full Halloween style. I can only find the Chinese version of this theme, but it is English compatible, see more screen shot of Dolphin Browser with the Halloween skin.
Update Nexus S to Ice Cream Sandwich, Download First Rom from XDA Developers Forum
Big news from the XDA Developer forum, few hours ago the first Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich rom for Nexus S is out, everything is working fine, except some bugs in the un-common functions: Bluetooth, NFC, GPS and Panorama Mode, and the camera will FC when is running the first time, the author said it can be daily rom to use, though you may get some little trouble, but it is the Ice Cream Sandwich rom, why not give it a try before Google give us the official rom, which will happen after more than two weeks 🙂
Competition of Camera Shot Speed, Galaxy Nexus Vs iPhone 4S, Video

It was said that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus can take photos with zero second delay, in other words, Galaxy Nexus aka Nexus Prime has a very fast camera, it also said that the newest Android 4.0 system improve the performance of phone camera application, so how fast is it, let’s watch the video, you will find out. We will compare with the iPhone 4S, take five pictures.
Update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Can it be Possible?

Google has announced the Android 4.0 code name Ice Cream Sandwich, turns out “Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich” is the most popular search term on Internet. People want to know that whether their Android smart phones could update to this new system, unfortunately, if you don’t own the Nexus series phones, you have to put your hopes on the third party developers, like CyanogenMod team, and as the Android 4.0 source code still not release, we have to wait until CM team get the source code and begin to cook the new rom, so the “CyanogenMod 9” rom will be available on December at the earliest. 🙂
Google Android 4.0 ICS(Ice Cream Sandwich) New Features Details, Worth to Update?

Google has released the new generation of Android 4.0 system, including many interesting stuff, there are the redesigned UI(cool blue style), simplified interface to increase the speed, improved voice input function, face recognition, built-in photo editor, traffic monitor, and the Android Beam function.