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Tag Archives: CyanogenMod 7
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 will come with Crystal Talk, DSI fix, Gingerbread 2.3.5

What a great news ! there will be three important improvement in the next CyanogenMod 7 RC13 for Milestone A853, The Crystal Talk (built-in functions) , the Gingerbread Android 2.3.5 memory fixes, the DSI fix v2.x . The update package is going to release later today or tomorrow, I am looking forward to this RC 13 update. Nadlabak said there will be more than one RC13 update roms, because the DSI-fix needs some more debug.
Crystal Talk will be built-in feature of CM7 for Milestone A853 and Defy MB525

Message from IRC channel, the Motorola Crystal Talk will be a built-in feature in CM7 for Milestone A853 (RC13) and Defy MB525, all code work is done by Quarx2k, many thanks to him, now the code is under final improving, people who does not want this Crystal Talk function could disable it in the settings.
Memory Leak Fixed, CyanogenMod 7 update to Android 2.3.5 r1

Recently Android 2.3.5 r1 was released, update 4G issue and NFC features for Nexus S. Some other updates does not be mentioned, one important thing is the fix to the Memory Leak issue.
As Milestone A853 has only 256MB memory, people who use this phone like me is suffering the low memory environment after updated to CyanogenMod 7 (Android 2.3 based rom), the system use more memory than the Froyo (Android 2.2), and that is unusual, do a research to the memory issue and some reports points to the display component, it is the Surfaceflinger has some bug, that make the memory leaking in some conditions.
To get more memory in Milestone A853 with CyanogenMod 7, developers have try some workaround, I rather to say it is much better than the first CM 7 rom, but the free memory still a little low. CyanogenMod 7 updated to Android 2.3.5 r1 yesterday, Hopefully the new fixs to the Surfaceflinger will bring us more free memory to use.
What is Surfaceflinger function?
How to make CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 Lighter and Faster

You think your CM7 is fast enough? Here is the way to make CyanogenMod 7 smaller and faster.
I tweak the original CyanogenMod 7(CM7) for Milestone A853 by deleting some application and services which is unnecessary for me, so if the application on the list that you are using it, just keep it in your system, To keep the system stable, I have tested the method, nothing is harmed, so you can use my optimization method safety.
There is lots of additional application in CyanogenMod 7 taken the Milestone A853 native rom storage, some of them even try to run in the background after the phone boot, eating more and more memory. If you are not a developer and take the Milestone for common use, just follow my suggestion and boost your phone.
Apps can be removed safety in folder “/system/app/”, the tools you need is R.E. explorer.
How to Disabled 5 Points Touch on CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC 12 has 5 points touch feature, well it sounds great, we could cut five fruits at the same time in Fruit Ninja, but after some hours with 5 points touch, some side effect just appeared, some games, for example, Fruit Ninja, it runs very slow after the game began a few minutes. It can be confirmed that the game runs normally if you remove the 5 points touch module. Another side effect is lag scrolling, So I think the 5 points touch module needs some work to improve.
Here is the way to disable the 5 points touch module:
DSI-fix v2.2, no dss power domain suspend issue[update July 22]

DSI-fix v2 - get rid of DSI False Control Errors by optimization
DSI-fix v2 is a fixed version. With DSI-fix v1, Milestone A853 has dss power domain suspend issue, the phone can’t enter the suspend mode in some case while the phone is idle. With DSI-fix v2, the no suspend issue is gone.
This fix is created for CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 (CM7), you can find the dsifix.ko file in /system/lib/module/. To use the DSI-fix v2, you should replace the existed dsifix.ko file with the new one by any root file explorer, remembered to set the file permissions to “rw-r-r-“, and reboot the phone.
Turn off dsi fix module to avoid suspend problem on CM7 RC11 / RC12

Update: now you can use the new DSI fix module (dsifix v2.1), that is a new DSI fix solution that not relate the suspend program, so there is no more suspend issue now.
If you have flashed the recently CyanogenMod 7 RC11 / RC12 for Milestone A853, you should temporary disable the dsifix module, because it will make the phone can not suspend mode when the fix is working after some time. To turn off it, just rename the file “dsifix.ko” to “dsifix.ko.1” in folder “/system/lib/module/”.
if you want to avoid this issue without disable the dsifix module, you can connect your phone with the usb cable, that will recover the error state, but the next error will appear again after some time, this has explained why some people suffered battery drain when they have update to the new rom, when the issue occur, you show only saw the Android OS eats more than 50% battery even the phone is not being use.
Also i find out another bug cause by the dsifix module, see How to active and control the touch-to-focus mode on the CyanogenMod 7.1 (update)
Nadlabak is testing a new dsifix module, I will be waiting for the next build. Good job Nadlabak.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC12 (July 14), 5 Point touch?

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC12 July 14 version was released, usually it contains important fix, for there is only 3 days after the previous update was out, so Nadlabak fixed the touch driver and bring us the 5 point touch feature, it is so cool for before days we only have 4 point touch on Milestone A853.
[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.6.127 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8

Download link:
[13-07-2011] v2.6.127
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-127
.new screenshot feature in power menu
.new render effect
.new haptic feedback, but seriously i never use this
+ Dual Recovery, add CWM-Multiboot-r4 recovery, thanks to nobodyAtall. See his thread for detail.
+ enable bootsound, thanks to kakho55, see his thread for detail.
+ fixed ext partition app2sd
+ fixed battery stats for app
+ fixed auto rotate