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Tag Archives: Milestone A853
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC12 (July 14), 5 Point touch?

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC12 July 14 version was released, usually it contains important fix, for there is only 3 days after the previous update was out, so Nadlabak fixed the touch driver and bring us the 5 point touch feature, it is so cool for before days we only have 4 point touch on Milestone A853.
[Module]Interactive governor module backported from 2.6.38 kernel for Milestone A853

Just aware Nadlabak update the Interactive governor, it is backported from the Linux 2.6.38 kernel, working on CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 (with symsearch in use).
The governor is a automatic speed management of the smart phone CPU, it can scale the CPU speed for maximum usage of the battery, there is some kind of governor on Android, the default is Ondemand, it can just scale the speed of CPU between the lowest value and the highest value, can not save a lot of battery.
How to active and control the touch-to-focus mode on the CyanogenMod 7.1 (update)

We all know about the camera touch-to-focus feature brought by CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) new update, maybe you have not try taking a photo under touch-to-focus mode, here is the instruction. First, open the native camera application, touch the setting icon, in the focus mode, select the new option “touch”, now you have active the touch-to-focus mode, the camera will be control by your finger.
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11 Final released

Now the final CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11 is released, all works of the modification for the Milestone A853 are done by Nadlabak, visite his homepage. Let’s give the greatest respect and thankful to him.
Download link: CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11 Final
Let’s see the changelog:
CrystalTalk for Milestone A853 CM 7 RC11 update on July 7

updated on July 7, compatible with cm-7.1.0-RC11-11.07.06-Milestone, all the features are woking normal, using OR to flash this update zip, no need to clear any data.
It’s from, which is the most popular Android forum in China. Many thanks to the author Fancy.
I think it’s not compatible with the older CM7 Milestone roms.
It is NOT working on CM6.
Download link:
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11(NEW) update on July 6

Just found out a new update of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11 was uploaded, here is the download link:
Note that this is a new update on July 6, include some quick fix something. e.g fix touch-to-focus. Another important fix is Allow loading of vendor specific services from compiled jar files. This is needed e.g. for the Motorola AGPS code.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone is a rom which is created by Nadlabak based on offical cyanogenMod 7, many thanks to him, for bringing us the nice Gingerbread.
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC11 update on July 5

Good News, CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 Just Updated 3 Hours ago. There has been two weeks since the last update released, because of nadlabak’s phone need some repairs. The broken part is the touch screen, which is the most fragile parts, have heard serval people who own Milestone suddenly get their touch screen out of work. I am worried about my Milestone, just using it carefully. One suggestions: DO NOT operate the phone while the phone is connected to computer or the charger, the electric current may hurt the touch screen.
Here is the download address:
Will test and post review after I get my Milestone in hand.
Does Milestone’s Camera Support New Feature in CM7: Touch-to-Focus?

We have seen the latest CyanogenMod 7 add the touch-to-focus feature in camera app, Nadlabak just merge it into CM7 for Milestone sources.
camera: Implement touch-to-focus
Touch-to-focus is implemented on supported cameras. Does not work in
camcorder mode yet (framework code is needed to support this).
How to custom the overclock profile in Milestone with CM7

CM7 support overclock the Milestone cpu simply, the OMAP 3430 cpu original speed is 550 mHz, we can overclock it to 1000 mHz for getting snappy operating experience, but the phone will get to high temperature if you run HD games, consider it’s summer here, I subject to set a lower frequency, like 800mHz.
In the default CM7 overclock profile, 900mHz is the highest frequency, here is the method to get ride of the default setting.