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Tag Archives: Milestone A853
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update on Sept. 14, Fix WiFi Signal and Car Dock Mode

Good to know Nadlabak has uploaded new CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15, it is said that this new CM7 rom fixed the WiFi signal strength indicator, and change the “keep home in memory” behavior that this option will be ignore when Milestone is in car dock.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update on Sept. 12, Fix Call Volume Can’t Change while Screen off

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Android rom has been updated again, with a bug fix and some logs and some application code clean up, also some Italian and Russian translation update.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update, Optional Limit Max CPU Frequency to Save Battery When Screen Off

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 finally released yesterday, we have been waiting for ten days now the CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 comes with some new features and bug fix. We got the latest DSI/MMC fix module version 2.61, fixing the DSI bug and the SD card / NAND read and write issues, and the most Great feature, now we can limit max CPU frequency when the phone screen is off and when it is in car dock,
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 Download, Option for Disable Camera Shutter Sound, Update on Aug. 29

New CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 is out, it is updated on Aug. 29. Reading the comments at github, new CyanogenMod 7 RC 14 contains some fixes, include Android Market download to the SD card Ext partition if existed, LED notification setting fix, etc. There is a new feature in CyanogenMod settings , now you can disable camera shutter sound by checking the option in Settings-CyanogenMod setting-Sound. My girlfriend will be happy with the mute camera, she always complain with the shutter sound, though it can be disabled by mute the ringtone before.
The new DSI/MMC-fix v2.6 is also included in this build. It seems the old kernel which is changed in the last RC 14 build is working fine, so no kernel change. Now I am missing the feature that music continue to play after hang up the phone. 🙂
DSI/MMC-fix Test v2.6 Download, Add Fix for OMAP SD Card Issue

DSI-fix now has a new name ” DSI/MMC-fix “, as Nadlabak add some code to fix the OMAP SD card issue, the new code is the omap hsmmc set_data_timeout kernel function replacement. what is OMAP SD card issue? it is a SD card I/O error corruption first found on the Nokia N900, when people using a Classic 6 or Classic 10 microSD card on N900, some SD card I/O error occurred.
As Milestone A853 use the same driver as N900, someone just feedback the same problem is happening on Milestone
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 Download, Kernel Change, Improve Graphic Performance

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 is based on latest official CyanogenMod 7, Nadlabak made it working on Milestone A853, bring many wonderful new features to our Milestones. Many thanks to him. Now the CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 is released, this new update include some fixes, the change log haven’t present, so I list the changes reading from the Github.
DSI-fix module version V2.51, Reintroduced V2.3 Optimization (update to v2.52)

DSI-fix module for Milestone A853 which is installed the CM7.1 RC13 was updated, some users are talking about this latest update seems working better than the V2.4*, as they have got repeating reboot with the DSI-fix module v2.4*, but after updated to v2.51 the reboot problem have gone. so I update the module file.
In fact I haven’t got reboot such often, my Milestone do got reboot problem with the CyanogenMod 7 preview version in earlier this year, but I don’t remember when the latest “DSI error reboot” happen. Someone said maybe Milestone has different quality in different manufacturing areas, I agree this opinion.
I also thought about that the phone overclock status making our Milestone reboot, when the CPU have not enough voltage or overheat,
How to Install CyanogenMod 7 on Milestone A853

If you are tired of using the official firmware on Milestone A853, and you want to try the best Android version on Milestone, here is a guide for How to Install Cyanogenmod 7 on Milestone A853, It is easy to flash as the new kernel is include in the update package, no need to use the RSD tool. remember to backup your important data before you install the Cyanogenmod 7, because this installation will delete all users data.
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final, Better DSI-fix, LED color, Profile

The CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final version is going to be upload by Nadlabak this evening, he finally got the DSI-fix module working better after serval DSI-fix test versions, many thanks to him, again, he is the man who let many people to see there is still a hope with the Milestone A853.
the base Android system version of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final is Android 2.3.5.