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[APK] Camera NX 7.4 is Here, Base on Google Camera 5.2, All Features & Bring back HDR+ for Nexus2015[APK] Enable Portrait mode on Nexus 5X/6P & OG Pixel phone with Google Camera mod (Updated 7.3.1)[Updated] Camera NX V7.2 for Nexus 5X/6P & Pixel Base on Google Camera 5.1 from Pixel 2, Motion Photo and MoreDownload Camera NX V6 mod for Nexus 2015 Phones, Base on Google Camera v4.4 (Updated New Version)Google Camera 4.4 Update with New Pixel Phone 2017 Support, New Hardware Zsl Hdr+ Feature, And More.Featured Post
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Category Archives: Android Share
How to Unlock the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X8 Bootloader

XPERIA X8 bootloader finally unlocked by developers, what a great news! it means we can apply any features to X8 which was blocked by the old official kernel(version 2.6.29) before, we don’t need hard code work to add some good features, such as Swap, Dual Touch, Overclock etc.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update on Sept. 12, Fix Call Volume Can’t Change while Screen off

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Android rom has been updated again, with a bug fix and some logs and some application code clean up, also some Italian and Russian translation update.
Google Map v5.10 for Android Update Download, Photos in Comments of Locations Where You have Traveled to

Google updated the Google map version to 5.10 quietly last week, and giving the same change log in the Android Market, I download it and install it on Milestone A853, the new changelog appear, saying we can upload photos in the place comments where we have been there, so people who using Android phones and Google map can tak pictures in the place where they traveling in and post them to the location comments,
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update, Optional Limit Max CPU Frequency to Save Battery When Screen Off

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 finally released yesterday, we have been waiting for ten days now the CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 comes with some new features and bug fix. We got the latest DSI/MMC fix module version 2.61, fixing the DSI bug and the SD card / NAND read and write issues, and the most Great feature, now we can limit max CPU frequency when the phone screen is off and when it is in car dock,
Google Release Android 2.3.6 for Nexus S, How to Apply the Update

Google has released the Android 2.3.6 update for Nexus S, they finally fix the Voice Search bug, which is the Voice Search feature automatic activate occasionally making the phone out of work. Some users on Bell, Rogers, TELUS reported that they have received the update by OTA (over the air), as Google said “An over-the-air update is now starting to roll out that includes a fix for this issue. As with previous updates, it will take a few days to send to everyone”.
the Update include a new baseband I9020AUCKF1, improve the phone call voice quality.
You can Turn on the Background Data and WiFi, check your system update, you may receive the OTA updates, if not and you don’t want to wait for the OTA update, you can install the update manually,
Upgrade Defy ME525 System to Official Android 2.3.4, Use Defy+ ME525+ image and SBF File
Motorola held a conference for the Defy+ ME525+ yesterday in Beijing China , everybody who joined that conference could take a challenge for winning a Defy+ :). Anyway I did not go to that conference, someone has post some photos of the conference on web and it looks like a nice party. You may know that Defy+ ME525+ is almost the same hardware with old Defy ME525, except the new one has a 1 Ghz CPU, and running Android 2.3.4 system. As the new Defy+ released, Someone just post a thread which is talking about he has success to install the NEW SBF Update File for the Defy+ ME525+ on the Defy ME525, he used Nandroid backup Defy+ system, restore it on Defy and update the system with official SBF from China, he also provide those update files to people to download it.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 Download, Option for Disable Camera Shutter Sound, Update on Aug. 29

New CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 is out, it is updated on Aug. 29. Reading the comments at github, new CyanogenMod 7 RC 14 contains some fixes, include Android Market download to the SD card Ext partition if existed, LED notification setting fix, etc. There is a new feature in CyanogenMod settings , now you can disable camera shutter sound by checking the option in Settings-CyanogenMod setting-Sound. My girlfriend will be happy with the mute camera, she always complain with the shutter sound, though it can be disabled by mute the ringtone before.
The new DSI/MMC-fix v2.6 is also included in this build. It seems the old kernel which is changed in the last RC 14 build is working fine, so no kernel change. Now I am missing the feature that music continue to play after hang up the phone. 🙂
DSI/MMC-fix Test v2.6 Download, Add Fix for OMAP SD Card Issue

DSI-fix now has a new name ” DSI/MMC-fix “, as Nadlabak add some code to fix the OMAP SD card issue, the new code is the omap hsmmc set_data_timeout kernel function replacement. what is OMAP SD card issue? it is a SD card I/O error corruption first found on the Nokia N900, when people using a Classic 6 or Classic 10 microSD card on N900, some SD card I/O error occurred.
As Milestone A853 use the same driver as N900, someone just feedback the same problem is happening on Milestone
Xiaomi Phone Engineering Prototype, Sharp Transflective Display LCD Test
Here comes the the performance of the Xiaomi phone screen in the sunshine, everyone knows that is major ability of mobile phones. As we have to run around outside everyday, the phone’s screen outdoor visibility is a very important thing. Strong sunlight, especially if you have to increase the backlight brightness to see something, then it will speed up the power consumption, mobile phone battery life is a big problem in the outdoors . Xiaomi phone use the Sharp transflective display LCD, Do you want to know how Xiaomi phone screen looks in the sunshine, what kind of performance? Let us see the pictures together.