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[APK] Camera NX 7.4 is Here, Base on Google Camera 5.2, All Features & Bring back HDR+ for Nexus2015[APK] Enable Portrait mode on Nexus 5X/6P & OG Pixel phone with Google Camera mod (Updated 7.3.1)[Updated] Camera NX V7.2 for Nexus 5X/6P & Pixel Base on Google Camera 5.1 from Pixel 2, Motion Photo and MoreDownload Camera NX V6 mod for Nexus 2015 Phones, Base on Google Camera v4.4 (Updated New Version)Google Camera 4.4 Update with New Pixel Phone 2017 Support, New Hardware Zsl Hdr+ Feature, And More.Featured Post
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Category Archives: Android Share
My First Android Tablet, Motorola Xoom
I just get a Motorola Xoom with Wifi at last week, which is my first Android Tablet. 🙂 it cost me RMB ¥2599, if converted into U.S. dollars is US$412, so it is much lower than the original price when Motorola Xoom released to the market, I think this is because the Xoom 2, aka DROID XYBOARD, is going to launch in China at this month.
CyanogenMod 7.2.0 for Milestone A853 Update on Feb. 17, Two Way Call Recording and Many Improvements

It is a long time since the last post of the cyanogenmod rom for Milestone A853, as I am using my gf’s Sony X8 :). today, Nadlabak just finish the work of building the cyanogenmod 7.2.0 rom for Milestone A853, as the version number jump form 7.1 to 7.2, there are many improvements and bug-fixes.
How to Increase the Battery Life of Motorola Milestone
I bought my Moto Milestone on September 21, 2010, now I notice that the battery life is more and more shorter, even I did not often use my phone, the battery can’t last for a day. meanwhile I noticed the battery charging time is less than one hour, I have check out the task manager, no unusual apps are running at background, so I guess that the battery’s capacity is become smaller than original after a number of charging times, how can I fix this problem?
Ice Cream Sandwich for Motorola Milestone, Finally!
Hey Motorola Milestone users, here is a exciting news of the custom rom for you, today, Nadlabak, the author of CM7 for Milestone, the man who should have our best regard, he succeed in building the first Ice Cream Sandwich for Milestone and make it run well on the phone, according to the IRC log of milestone-mod channel, we know that the base functions is working, like graphics, touch screen(with issues), signal system, light sensor, automatic backlights, audio, also phone call test is fine.
How to Install Android Ice Cream Sandwich on Xperia X8 / W8 (Use Stock Kernel)
I am watching ICS video enough and I am going to install Android ICS on my X8, and I succeed, so I write down the process for you guys who wants to try something fresh. As the fix for running ICS on X8 with stock kernel is out, things is more simple than previous, I did not unlock the bootloader, so I am using the stock kernel, and everything works fine during installation, I am meaning the installation, not the system function. 🙂
Xperia X8 Users, Get Ready for Ice Cream Sandwich Update
Just post some news about the situation of Ice Cream Sandwich for Xperia X8 development. Great DEVs has made some big improve of the rom, current version is v007 II, some said it is as fast as Gingerbread, just some lags, and unstable, you can receive calls but you can not make calls, 🙂 graphics and some small things fixed, still need huge work on audio, wireless parts, camera and GPU acceleration, but with more and more DEVs join the project, development is being more fast than before, and the next build v008 will be available on next weekend.
[Video] Ice Cream Sandwich for Xperia X8
Before yesterday, I still think it is no chance to update my Sony Ericsson X8 to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, as more and more developers turn to develop roms for new phones, but recently, A Thread float up in the XDA-developers forum, telling people that they have succeeded in running ICS on Xperia X8,
How to Install CyanogenMod 7 Custom Rom on Xperia X8 / W8
So after we got our Xperia X8 / W8 rooted, now it is time to say goodbye to the official Android 2.1 rom, we are going to install some nice custom roms.