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Category Archives: Sony x8
[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.7.136 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8

kuyaDROID was updated on July 24, now with all working new features, only the VGA camera needs to fix. Good news is the auto brightness working normally again, WiFi tether still have some reboot bug, others all fine. the same as the previous version, the update zip package supporte both xRecovery and CWM recovery. Let’s see the changelog.
[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.6.127 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8

Download link:
[13-07-2011] v2.6.127
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-127
.new screenshot feature in power menu
.new render effect
.new haptic feedback, but seriously i never use this
+ Dual Recovery, add CWM-Multiboot-r4 recovery, thanks to nobodyAtall. See his thread for detail.
+ enable bootsound, thanks to kakho55, see his thread for detail.
+ fixed ext partition app2sd
+ fixed battery stats for app
+ fixed auto rotate
[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.5.116 update, Gingerbread for X8

kuyaDROID was updated to v2.5.116 on july 2, a Gingerbread rom sony ericsson x8, based on CM7, I have update the phone and test it for two days, phone be much more reliable, and good news is data connection bug which is mentioned in the froyo and gingerbread for xperia x8 comparison, is gone now, always be a EDGE connection.
Light sensor is activated for automatic backlights. And more performance futures added to CM settings, like overclock, but I don’t use it, because the Qualcomm MSM7227’s performance seems not get higher as the frequency increased, and the frequency can’t get too much high or the CPU might be damaged.
update links:
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 rom: Froyo or Gingerbread, which you choose?

I have done some tests on Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 with different roms, I have compared serval roms that I have get these differences between Android 2.2 and Androi 2.3 on Xperia X8 below. I hoped this comparison can help you to find out which one to choose.
Maybe you would ask, why don’t you evaluate Eclair which is the sony ericsson official 2.1 rom, I would rahter to say, oh come on, don’t you realize the official rom is a littel boring and there is a lot of useless program eating your poorly battery? also the light sersor which drive the auto brightness being crazy.
I have taken Froyobread and kuyaDROID to compare, froyobread is based on CM6.1 and its latest version is v017 updated on 29 June, kuyaDROID is based on CM7.1 and its latest version is v2.4 updated on 26, June. Both of them is stable for daily use, fast, battery-saved. Now let’s see the differences between them. I will not use score software, just talking about the user experiences.