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[APK] Camera NX 7.4 is Here, Base on Google Camera 5.2, All Features & Bring back HDR+ for Nexus2015[APK] Enable Portrait mode on Nexus 5X/6P & OG Pixel phone with Google Camera mod (Updated 7.3.1)[Updated] Camera NX V7.2 for Nexus 5X/6P & Pixel Base on Google Camera 5.1 from Pixel 2, Motion Photo and MoreDownload Camera NX V6 mod for Nexus 2015 Phones, Base on Google Camera v4.4 (Updated New Version)Google Camera 4.4 Update with New Pixel Phone 2017 Support, New Hardware Zsl Hdr+ Feature, And More.Featured Post
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Tag Archives: Android 2.3.5
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 Update, Optional Limit Max CPU Frequency to Save Battery When Screen Off

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 finally released yesterday, we have been waiting for ten days now the CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC15 comes with some new features and bug fix. We got the latest DSI/MMC fix module version 2.61, fixing the DSI bug and the SD card / NAND read and write issues, and the most Great feature, now we can limit max CPU frequency when the phone screen is off and when it is in car dock,
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 Download, Kernel Change, Improve Graphic Performance

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 is based on latest official CyanogenMod 7, Nadlabak made it working on Milestone A853, bring many wonderful new features to our Milestones. Many thanks to him. Now the CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC14 is released, this new update include some fixes, the change log haven’t present, so I list the changes reading from the Github.
How to Install CyanogenMod 7 on Milestone A853

If you are tired of using the official firmware on Milestone A853, and you want to try the best Android version on Milestone, here is a guide for How to Install Cyanogenmod 7 on Milestone A853, It is easy to flash as the new kernel is include in the update package, no need to use the RSD tool. remember to backup your important data before you install the Cyanogenmod 7, because this installation will delete all users data.
[Video] Play with the Xiaomi Phone, Smooth and Sensational

There is so many articles about the Xiaomi phone releasing news, words is not enough, let’s watch the actual operation video, MIUI on the Xiaomi phone is smooth, and the Sharp digital screen is so sensational.
Xiaomi Phone Released, 1.5 gHz Qualcomm Dual Code CPU, 1G Ram, Official MIUI, Only $310
Xiaomi phone release conference has been held in Beijing China today,Lei Jun, the Xiaomi CEO, expressed the hardware and software detials of this new Chinese own brand Android phone, Xiaomi phone equip Qualcomm 1.5gHz Dual Code CPU, Adreno 220 graphic chip, 1G ram, 1930 mAh battery, 4 inch Sharp screen with qHD 854×480 resolution, 800 M pixel F2.4 AF camera with digital image stabilization support, running the famous MIUI custom Android OS,
[ROM] kuyaDROID v3.1.149 for XPERIA X8 , Full Working 3M Camera, Android 2.3.5, updated on Aug 6

kuyaDROID for XPERIA X8 was updated to v3, as the CyanogenMod 7 was updated to Android 2.3.5 based, now the kuyaDROID based on the newest Android 2.3.5, coming with the Memory leak fix, solve the low memory problem, which was a annoying problem when we have updated the phone system to Android 2.3. the free memory has an increase of 10M-20M after updated the latest Android 2.3.5, so the latest kuyaDROID was recommended to update.
[ROM]CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final, Better DSI-fix, LED color, Profile

The CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final version is going to be upload by Nadlabak this evening, he finally got the DSI-fix module working better after serval DSI-fix test versions, many thanks to him, again, he is the man who let many people to see there is still a hope with the Milestone A853.
the base Android system version of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 Final is Android 2.3.5.
CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 update on Auguest 6, some fixes, improve Crystal Talk

Just found out CM 7 for Milestone A853 RC13 was updated some hours ago, Nadlabak have done some fixes and merge CM official upstream, I was wondering why there is a comments “enable Crystal Talk for Milestone”, is it not be actived before?
here is the Download link:
Update: the file have been updated at 17:41:56 (UTC +8:00), if you have downloaded before that, you should download it again. quick fix of color picker.