[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.7.136 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8

[ROM]kuyaDROID v2.7.136 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

kuyaDROID was updated on July 24, now with all working new features, only the VGA camera needs to fix. Good news is the auto brightness working normally again, WiFi tether still have some reboot bug, others all fine. the same as the previous version, the update zip package supporte both xRecovery and CWM recovery. Let’s see the changelog.

[22-07-2011] v2.7.136
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-136
.new option to disable lockscreen.
.opt for lockscreen background.
+ fixed wifi problem (thanks to tester)
+ add transparent statusbar. (thanks to dbts25 for the info)
+ add Smartass Module (big thanks to AnDyX)
+ add Google+ in system/app

Well Google+ can’t not be visited in my country, no big deal. and I don’t think use the Smartass governor is a wise idea, consider of the reboot problem with Smartass governor on CM 7 for Milestone A853, it is need more tests for daily use, though the CPU in X8 is less battery drain than the Milestone A853, change the governor does not help for saving more battery, because you can check the power usage and you can see the screen of X8 using the larger percent battery, so a suggestion of saving battery is decrease the light level, turn off the screen when you don’t use the phone, and choose the 30s option in the delay of screen off menu.

I’d like to see the full CM 7 functions working on the Xperia X8, let’s keep looking.


Big news, Google +1 button has came back again… for me…

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Written by Charles | ChromLoop.com · posted in Android Share, Sony x8 and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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2 Responses to [ROM]kuyaDROID v2.7.136 update, Android 2.3.4 for X8

  1. bhu says:

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