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Tag Archives: Motorola Defy ME525
How to Solve the Motorola Defy ME525 WiFi Problem, WiFi Connected But No Internet Access

Some people who are using the Motorola Defy ME525 have the WiFi connection issue, it usually happen with the official roms, such as Android 2.2 or the latest Android 2.3.4, they can not connect to the Wireless Router, or the WiFi connected successful but just can not access the Internet, if the other devices such as PC or Laptop WiFi is working normally, and your Wireless Router is working under 802.11n mode, you should do some modification in your Defy Android system.
Upgrade Defy ME525 System to Official Android 2.3.4, Use Defy+ ME525+ image and SBF File
Motorola held a conference for the Defy+ ME525+ yesterday in Beijing China , everybody who joined that conference could take a challenge for winning a Defy+ :). Anyway I did not go to that conference, someone has post some photos of the conference on web and it looks like a nice party. You may know that Defy+ ME525+ is almost the same hardware with old Defy ME525, except the new one has a 1 Ghz CPU, and running Android 2.3.4 system. As the new Defy+ released, Someone just post a thread which is talking about he has success to install the NEW SBF Update File for the Defy+ ME525+ on the Defy ME525, he used Nandroid backup Defy+ system, restore it on Defy and update the system with official SBF from China, he also provide those update files to people to download it.
Motorola Defy+ ME525+ will be release in the near future

Some time ago it was reported that the O2 will soon release an upgrade mobile phones to Motorola Defy MB525, the Defy+ (ME525+). A few days ago, we found the information of Defy+ (ME525+) was list on the Board of the wireless devices examination of China, which means that under normal circumstances, this phone should be release in the near future in China.