CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853, Now got the “NIGHTLY” Build, Drop the Map NetworkLocationService

CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 rom was updated two days before, just to be clear that there is no more RCx version, Nadlabak who is the author has changed the name to nightly build, it is because the official CyanogenMod 7 RC2 is ready to release, and he will do some important changes in the next serval roms, he wants to update the roms as soon as some big changes is done.
There is the first nightly build of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853 rom, changelog, the Google Map NetworkLocationService no more always running in background, which is kept in RAM since the Google Map 5.1.0 released, now this service will run when it is needed by Google Map, otherwise it will be kick out of the poor RAM.
Reading the github log of CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853, another change is the SD card reading cache size, it was set to 0kb as it can cause the Google Map frozen at the star up, maybe some data cache in the SD card thing, but this will affect the ring tone dropout, now it was set to 2048kb. There are also some translation updates and small fix.
Nadlabak recommended everyone who wants to fix some bugs on CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853, to check the download page, install the last build.

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2 Responses to CyanogenMod 7 for Milestone A853, Now got the “NIGHTLY” Build, Drop the Map NetworkLocationService

  1. Vjmandeep says:

    Hi i have this phone Indian version .. Can u tell me how to install custom roms on this phone ? Its rooted and is it safe to install custom roms ? Are they worth ? Please reply !!

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